
Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Handphone Terbesar

Seorang pria berkebangsaan Cina mencoba untuk memecahkan rekor dunia dengan membuat sebuah ponsel terbesar yang benar-benar dapat bekerja dengan baik. Pria tersebut, Mr.Tan dari kota Songyuan, mengatakan ponselnya yang memiliki tinggi 3 kaki dengan bobot 48 lbs, benar=benar mirip dengan ponsel aslinya, hanya saja 620x lebih besar.

Seorang wartawan mencoba membuat panggilan dengan ponsel raksasa tersebut dan mengirim pesan SMS, dan hasilnya ternyata ponsel itu memang dapat bekerja dengan sebagaimana mestinya, seperti yang dilaporkan City News.
Mr. Tan juga mengatakan ponsel itu dibekali segudang fitur seperti yang asli, contohnya kamera digital dan akses internet. Namun untuk sementara ponsel masih harus dicolokkan ke listrik karena ia belum membuat baterai yang cukup besar yang sekaligus dapat bertahan lama. Satu hal lagi yang ditambahkan Mr.Tan, ia juga tidak membuat fungsi getar pada ‘fotokopi’ dari tipe Nokia 6670 itu.
READ MORE - Handphone Terbesar

10 Beladiri Terbaik

10. Judo, Jepang
Judo ditemukan atau didirikan oleh Kano Jigoro, yang sering diganggu pada masa kecilnya, sekitar 1860 sampai 1870. Dengan mengambil berbagai kemampuan dasar beladiri yang berkembang, Kano menambahkan teknik lemparan untuk menciptakan Judo. Arti kata Judo adalah “jalan lembut” yang berarti kira2 menggunakan kekuatan lawan untuk melawan dirinya sendiri. Karena prinsip inilah, maka Judoka tidak harus lebih kuat daripada lawannya. Fokus utama Judo adalah melempar dan kuncian tanah, daripada memukul atau menyerang.

9. Aikido, Jepang

Aikido diperkenalkan pada awal 1900an, dengan para pengikutnya belajar untuk menggunakan kekuatan dan energi lawan untuk menjatuhkan mereka. Para murid diajarkan untuk tetap menjaga kondisi penyerangnya, dan diajarkan untuk melumpuhkan tanpa melukai. Penggunaan senjata juga sering ditemui dalam aikido, dan para pengikutnya diajari untuk bertahan melawan tongkat, pedang dan bahkan pisau. pendiri Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, berkata bahwa untuk menjadi pengikut Aikido yang sukses, para murid harus “menerima 99% serangan lawan dan menatap wajah kematian tanpa takut.”

8. Krav Maga, Israel

Beladiri wajib pengawal presiden Israel, seni bela diri ini tanpa aturan, dan keras. Bela diri ini tidak pernah dilatih untuk olahraga, karena benar2 ditujukan untuk menghancurkan penyerang dengan berfokus pada area vital lawan, misalnya selangkangan dan mata, dan bahkan mengijinkan penggunaan kepala sebagai senjata dan berbagai benda yang ada sebagai senjata. Pendekatan bela diri ini dibagi tiga langkah: Hadapi ancaman, cegah lawan untuk melakukan serangan kedua, dan netralkan lawan.

7. Jujutsu, Jepang

Ketika samurai Jepang kehilangan semua senjata, mereka akan beralih ke penggunaan Jujutsu (seni lembut). Jujutsu berkembang dengan berfokus pada lemparan, kuncian dan menggulingkan diri. Tapi tidak seperti bela diri lain, Jujutsu lebih banyak bergerak ke “apa aja boleh”. Secara tradisional, para murid diajarkan berbagai taktik “curang” seperti mencolok mata, menggigit, yang jika digunakan dengna tepat, dapat membunuh lawan. Bela diri ini sangat efektif jika digunakan pada pertempuran jarak pendek.
6. Ninjutsu, Jepang

Beladiri misterius ini biasa digunakan oleh kaum pembunuh dan para pejuang gerilya Jepang. Ninjutsu mengajarkan berbagai cara untuk mengejutkan lawan dan mengalahkan lawan, dengan arah perkembangan untuk membunuh. Selain kaki, tangan, berbagai senjata diajarkan juga, termasuk teknik menyelinap dan melarikan diri secara efektif.

5. Tae-kwondo, Korea

Tae-kwondo memiliki arti “jalan kepalan dan kaki”, beladiri ini berkembang pesat pada setelah era PD II, ketika Jepang mengakhiri pendudukan atas Korea. Bela diri ini terkenal atas tendangannya yang mencengangkan, dan menggabungkan antara kemampuan fisik dan kekuatan mental. Pemengang sabuk hitam beladiri ini mencapai 3 juta orang di seluruh dunia.
4. Kung fu, Cina

Bela diri cari Cina ini berarti secara harfiah: Kesuksesan yang diraih dengan jalan yang berat dan panjang, dan merupakaan beladiri paling tua di dunia. Semenjak diperkenalkan oleh Kaisar Huangti, 2,698 sebelum Masehi, telah berkembang puluhan ribu aliran Kungfu. Secara tradisional, beladiri ini diajarkan oleh para biksu Shaolin, dengan penekanan utama pada moralitas dan filosofi, dimana nilai kerendahan hati, kepercayaan, dan kesabaran, serta penghormatan di tekankan.

3. Karate, Jepang

Diturunkan dari kata yang berarti “tangan kosong”, Karate diperkenalkan sebagai beladiri tanpa senjata. Berbagai teknik Karate diperkirakan berawal dari tahun 1300-an, walaupun penulis “10 Precepts of Karate”, Anko Itosu, bapak karate modern, menuliskan buku tersebut pada 1908. “Karate adalah teknik yang mengubah tangan dan kaki menjadi tombak” demikian tulis Anko. Pada buku tulisan Anko, karate dapat dipakai sebagai,”… cara mengindari perkelahian jika dihadang penjahat.”

2. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Brazil 
Walaupun didirikan di Brazil, pendiri bela diri ini adalah Mitsuyo Maeda, seorang petarung dari Jepang, yang memenangkan lebih dari 2000 pertandingan dan dianggap sebagai manusia paling tangguh. Maeda bertemu dengan keluarga Gracie di Jepang pada 1914, dan semenjak saat itu juga keluarga Gracie dianggap sebagai keluarga pertama beladiri ini. Penekanan pada lemparan dan groundwork menjadikan olahraga ini populer di kalangan pengguna olahraga campuran

1. Muay Thai, Thailand

Mirip sekali dengan kickboxing, tapi bedanya, pukulan dibawah sabuk, siku dan dan lutut semua boleh dipergunakan. Muay Thay susah sekali diperkirakan kapan tepatnya lahir kapan, tapi berbagai elemen dari beladiri ini dapat ditemui di beladiri Jepang dan India. Popularitas beladiri ini mulai muncul pada 1800an. Secara tradisi, bela diri ini sangat terstruktur, dengan berbagai ritual yang menunjukkan penghormatan kepada lawan. Sekarang beladiri ini lebih berfokus sebagai penggunaan badan sebagai senjata, kepalan, tulang kering, siku, lutut, dan berbagai hal lain untuk mengalahkan lawan. Inilah yang membuat bela diri ini berharga, karena semua bagian tubuh dapat digunakan sebagai senjata.

READ MORE - 10 Beladiri Terbaik

Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

7 Amazing Scenes Made With Food

I was sent these images in a recent email by a friend suggesting that they would make a good list – and I agree! These images are all truly amazing. If you want to get a closer look, click the image.
1. Salmon Seas
2. Italian Home
3. Bread Mountain

4. Fruity Balloons
5. Cheesy Tuscan Villa
6. Vege Cave
7. Vegetable Market
READ MORE - 7 Amazing Scenes Made With Food

10 Recently Discovered Animals

Most of us share a fascination with the unknown. Thanks to this – as well as tremendous advances in technology – most of our planet has been quite thoroughly examined. Some areas remain, however, which are home to creatures that science has yet to encounter.
Recently discovered animals number in the thousands. Thus far, 1.8 million unique species have been documented; it’s estimated that more than ten million species remain to be found. Most newly discovered creatures are minute organisms of little interest; some, however, are creatures of immense interest, which simply eluded us for quite some time. The following list is comprised of ten such animals.

Goliath Bird Eating Spider


I’ve opted to put this monstrous creature at number ten for one very simple reason: it terrifies me. It terrifies me so much that I didn’t want to grant it the honour of placing it any higher. The species was officially discovered in 2006 during an expedition to Guyana. It is a burrowing spider, feeding primarily on invertebrates, though it has also been observed eating small mammals, lizards, and venomous snakes (surprise surprise). Fully grown specimens can reach a horrific weight of around six ounces. Thankfully for us – and for any other creatures too large for the spider to eat – the goliath bird eater is a species of tarantula, and has relatively weak venom, which causes mild swelling and pain for a few hours.
But the thing that poses the biggest threat to us humans is the goliath’s ability to expel urticating hairs from its body. These tiny, nearly invisible hairs float through the air – and have an awful tendency to stick in the eyes. 

Lousiana Pancake Batfish


Belonging to the Ogcocephalidae family of batfish, the Louisiana pancake batfish is a bizarre looking creature native to the Gulf of Mexico. The species was discovered in 2010, during the cleanup process following the infamous oil spill in the gulf, which affected every kind of batfish.
The Louisiana pancake batfish’s name comes from its shape, which quite closely resembles that of a horrendously prepared pancake. The strange manner it has of moving along the ocean floor is described as being similar to the way a bat crawls. The pancake batfish feeds on invertebrates, which it uses chemical lures to capture. 

Walter’s Duiker


Walter’s Duiker is a fascinating little creature, officially discovered in 2010 in the Dahomey Gap, West Africa. The species made its first foray into the world of science in 1968, when Walter Verheyen – the man after whom the species is named – retrieved a specimen in Togo. This species of duiker is native to Togo, Benin, and Nigeria.
One of the most interesting characteristics about the species is its small stature, measuring an average of only forty centimeters (sixteen inches) in height and typically weighing four to six kilograms. In addition to its small height, the duiker has hind legs which are longer than their counterparts up front. This is particularly interesting given that the duiker is not a grazing animal, and typically feeds on berries and other similar items of nourishment, which grow on plants.

Yeti Crab


This rather snuggly looking crustacean was discovered in 2005 in the South Pacific Ocean. Given the presence of a substantial quantity of silky blond setae, its discoverers were quick to dub it the ‘yeti crab’. The unusual little decapod reaches an average length of around fifteen centimetres (just under six inches) and lives around hydrothermal vents deep in the ocean. It is for this reason that the fur-like setae contain filamentous bacteria, which allow the creature to detoxify poisonous substances emitted in the water by vents. It has been speculated that the yeti crab may actually feed on such bacteria – but it is generally believed to be a carnivore. 

Red-bearded Titi


The red-bearded titi is a small primate discovered in the Colombian section of the Amazon Rainforest in 2008. Unfortunately, the story of the discovery is not all happy, as it appears the adorable bearded little things are critically endangered, with an estimated surviving population of less than 250. The red-bearded titi, like many primates, shares a surprising number of characteristics with humans. One such characteristic is that they mate for life – an uncommon habit in the primate world. A typical couple has a baby every year, and males are responsible for a majority of the infant’s care. Couples have often been seen sitting together on tree branches with tails intertwined.

Pinocchio Frog


Found in the remote Fuja Mountains of Indonesia, the Pinocchio frog is a strange little creature which was only discovered by accident in 2010, after wandering into a research camp and perching itself atop a bag of rice. The animal’s most obvious distinctive feature is the odd protuberance on the front of its face – most often referred to as its nose. The strange nose-like thing is a feature which only the males have, and becomes erect when they are making excited calls, returning to its standard position when they are not. The exact purpose of the ‘nose’, and the frogs’ ability to manipulate it, is as yet unknown. 



The lesula is a remarkable new species of African monkey discovered in 2007. It was discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo and is the second new species of African monkey discovered in nearly three decades. The monkey was first seen (by non-locals) in 2007 by John and Terese hart of Yale University’s Peabody Museum of Natural History, in the home of a primary school teacher in the town of Opala. The most visible characteristic which makes the lesula so unusual is its startlingly human face. A slightly less obvious characteristic are the bald patches on the monkey’s hindquarters and genital region, both of which are coloured a vibrant blue.

Wattled Smoky Honeyeater


The wattled smoky honeyeater is a species of honeyeater endemic to the Foja Mountains of Indonesia. This particular species’ most distinctive feature is the reddish-orange facial skin around its eyes. Discovered in December of 2005, the wattled smoky honeyeater was the first new bird species discovered in New Guinea since 1939. In addition to the brilliant orange skin around the bird’s eyes, it has the curious characteristic of walking with a ‘wottle’. The honeyeater was one of over twenty new species discovered in a single expedition that took place in 2005. The shade of the bird’s facial skin changes slightly when flushed. 

Megalara Garuda My Favorite


I’ve already mentioned a number of recently discovered animals from Indonesia – and I would gladly wager that this is the most terrifying of the lot. The megalara garuda, also known (for good reason) as the king of the wasps, is an enormous wasp officially discovered in the Mekongga Mountains on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi in 2011. Average males are about two inches in length, and have an elongated mandible similar in size to their forelegs. Not only is the megalara garuda massive and demonic looking – it is also venomous. The first specimens of the wasp were collected on an expedition to Indonesia in 1930; however the first live specimen was captured and documented just last year. Much like many other rare species, deforestation and other environmental impacts pose a threat to the wellbeing of the species. 

Paracheilinus Nursalim
(Pasti yang temukan ini orang indo, Nursalim)


First described in 2008, paracheilinus nursalim is a new species of flasher wrasse discovered in the Bird’s Head Peninsula in Western New Guinea. The fish’s most distinctive characteristic is of course its incredibly bright, vibrant colours. Given the recent nature of its discovery, little is currently known of the creature.
To end on a cheery note: the future for the paracheilinus nursalim looks quite a lot brighter than can be said of some other animals on this list. The fish’s primary habitat is located within already-protected waters, meaning that it’s safe from external factors which may otherwise have put it at risk.
READ MORE - 10 Recently Discovered Animals

Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

10 Soccer Rivalries

 Football (or soccer to many), the beautiful game, can become a matter of life & death for some clubs & its supporters. Cultural, as well as regional, differences contribute to the fierceness of these clashes & performances of players in such matches decide whether they will be eternally loved or hated. A mistake or a moment of magic can create history, but can also result in brawls, fights, clashes & riots. Here are the 10 most fierce & important rivalries in the world of football. Have I missed any? Feel free to add your 
Corinthians vs Palmeiras
Palmeiras Vs Corinthians Finalizado 1600X1200
Derby Paulista is a name that is known among the traditional São Paulo soccer clubs, Sport Club Corinthians Paulista and Sociedade Esportiva Palmeiras. It is the rivalry between two football clubs still active in the oldest city of São Paulo. The Derby Paulista is among the 10 greatest classics of the world. Corinthians and Palmeiras have already decided state championships (Campeonato Paulista), regional (Torneio Rio-São Paulo), national (Campeonato Brasileiro) and wave to the end of continental competition (Libertadores Cup of America). No other classic has decided so many major championships.
A big rivalry in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, SE Palmeiras and Corinthians have always drawn a lot of attention when they face off against each other. There have been books written and movies shot about this rivalry, including a version of Romeo and Juliet where Palmeiras and Corinthians take the place of the Montagues and Capulets.

Nacional vs Penarol
Penarol Nacional Afp438
One of football’s classic derbies, since the late 19th century, the Uruguayan Clásico is the confrontation between the two greatest teams of Montevideo: Nacional and Peñarol. Both teams have played a big part in developing South American football, and are respected in the Americas and worldwide, despite their recent lack of international success. Together they make up 8 Copa Libertadores and 6 Intercontinental Cups.
The 0-0 draw of 14 April, 1990, was not for lacking a good fight, 22 red cards, 11 each side, (Nacional-9 field players and 2 bench players). The match ended at 85′ for the rule of less than 7 players. Then the 1-1 match of 26 November, 2000, ended in another confrontation with several boxing and karate kicks and chops, in which 9 players had to spend a month in jail, along with one of the coaches. Two editions of the match were played abroad, one in La Plata (Argentina) in 1960, the other in La Coruña (Spain) in 2005, due to the risk of local crowd interruption & brawling.

Fenerbahce vs Galatasaray
Fenerbahçe SK versus Galatasaray SK is a Turkish football rivalry involving two of the most successful clubs in the Süper Lig. It is also a local derby, one of many involving Istanbul clubs. The rivalry is more than a century in existence, and has developed into an intense and often bitter one, traditionally attracting large attendances. Both clubs compete against each other for the title of the most successful football club in Turkey, as well as the greatest Turkish sports club overall. Their football departments have always been the most attractive among their fans, but the rivalry also extends into other team sports such as basketball, volleyball, athletics, rowing. Galatasaray SK is the more successful of the two, having won 68 official titles compared to Fenerbahçe SK’s 66 titles. Fenerbahe SK is the most successful in their head-to-head fixtures, while Galatasaray SK boasts of their achievement in winning the 2000 UEFA Cup Final and the 2000 UEFA Super Cup, being the only Turkish side to have won them so far.

Internazionale vs Milan (best rival)
Inter Milan
Derby della Madonnina, or the Milan Derby as it is sometimes known, is a football match between the Italian clubs Associazione Calcio Milan and Football Club Internazionale Milano. It is a hotly contested local derby and is one of the most followed derbies in the football world. Along with the Rome and Turin derbies, it is widely considered one of the major cross-town derbies in the Serie A, so much so that only selected referees may officiate whenever these teams meet. It is a biannual fixture in the Italian football league Serie A; however, the derby has also taken place in the Coppa Italia and the UEFA Champions League. It is the only derby in Europe played by two teams which have been champions of Europe and the world. It is called “Derby della Madonnina” in honor of one of the main sights of the city of Milan, the statue of the Virgin Mary on the top of the Duomo, which is usually called “Madonnina”.

Liverpool vs Manchester United
The history between Liverpool and Manchester United is one of the most significant sporting rivalries in football, sometimes referred to as the North West derby. Both clubs hail from the North West of England, they are also the two most successful teams in England, and between them they have won 115 honors. With Manchester United’s victory in the Premier League season 2008-09, the two clubs are tied with 18 league titles in England. Despite Liverpool’s success in England, they have failed to win the Premier League, since its founding in 1992. Winning the League Cup in 2010, Manchester United set a new English record of 33 domestic honors – moving one clear of the Merseysiders for the first time. As well as competing on the football pitch, both teams are also two of the biggest-earning, and widely-supported, football clubs in the world. The rivalry has extended to the players as well.

Internazionale vs Juventus
Derby Ditalia
The name Derby d’Italia (Italian for “Derby of Italy”) was coined back in 1967, by the famous Italian sports journalist Gianni Brera, as the biannual football fixture in Italian football between Internazionale of Milan and Juventus of Turin. The name was also given to this fixture as Inter and Juventus were (as in 1967) the two teams with the highest number of international (the first) and national (the latter) honors.
The matchup between Juventus and Inter is one of the most intense derby matches in Italy, between two teams not from the same city. The two teams are also ranked first and second in wins and goals in Serie A history. The match features two clubs who have never been relegated from the Serie A (prior to the Calciopoli scandal in which Juventus were forcefully relegated for their role in it).

Boca Juniors vs River Plate
Superclásico is the name used to describe the football match in Argentina between Buenos Aires rivals Boca Juniors and River Plate. It derives from the Spanish usage of “clásico” to mean derby, with the prefix “super” used as the two clubs are the most popular and successful clubs in Argentine football. Due to their huge fan bases (Boca has 40% of the Argentine population and River 33%), and remarkable success, the enmity encompasses a major part of the country’s populace. Known worldwide for the passion of the fans, the stands of both teams are loaded with passionate songs (often based on popular Argentine rock band tunes) against their rivals, fireworks, flags and rolls of paper, and sometimes end in riots between the most ardent supporters of both sides, or against the police. Tourists from around the globe come to Argentina to watch the match, sometimes even with packages that include a ticket to the Superclásico.
The Superclásico is known worldwide as one of the fiercest and most important derbies. In April 2004, the English newspaper, The Observer, put the Superclásico at the top of their list of “50 sporting things you must do before you die”, saying that “Derby day in Buenos Aires makes the Old Firm game look like a primary school kick-about.”

Celtic vs Rangers
One of the biggest and most intense derbies in the world, the Old Firm derby between Scottish teams Celtic and Rangers, is more than a football match – it pits religion, politics and opposing social attitudes against each other. Both clubs play in Glasgow, Scotland, and the match is one of the oldest derbies in the world, dating back to 1888. The Old Firm derby is also one of the most contested matches in the world, with over 370 games having been played. The matches are played at either Ibrox Stadium with 51,000 fans, or Celtic Park in front of 60,000. In some cases, the match is played at Hampden Park, if the tie happens to be a Scottish Cup or Scottish League Cup final or semi-final. Both teams have won many titles, but currently Rangers are ahead of Celtic with 53 league titles to 42. The most recent Old Firm ended Celtic 2-1 Rangers.
This rivalry is considered by many to be one of the most fervent in the world, with amazing atmospheres and loud chanting, it is easy to understand why it is. Millions tune in to the Old Firm derby across the globe. Rangers are considered a Protestant club with Unionist and loyalist supporters, while Celtic are considered a Catholic club with Republican and Nationalist supporters. It has long had connections with the political conflict in Northern Ireland, with thousands of fans from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland making the trip to Scotland for these matches. There is even violence in Northern Ireland following Old Firm games. Indeed, the rivalry between the two clubs is so great that only five players have ever moved between clubs. In 1980, around 9,000 fans fought an on-pitch battle in the aftermath of Celtic’s 1-0 victory in the Scottish Cup Final at Hampden. This remains the worst invasion onto a football pitch ever reported. The Old Firm rivalry fuels many assaults and many deaths on Old Firm Derby days; an activist group that monitors sectarian activity in Glasgow has reported that on Old Firm weekends, admissions to hospital emergency rooms increase nine fold over normal levels, and journalist Franklin Foer noted that in the period from 1996 to 2003, eight deaths in Glasgow were directly linked to Old Firm matches, and hundreds and thousands of assaults.

Lazio vs Roma
The Derby della Capitale (English: Derby of the capital) is the local football derby in Rome, Italy, between the two major teams of the city, Lazio and Roma. It is considered to be the fiercest derby in the country ahead of the other major local derbies, Derby della Madonnina (Milan derby) and Derby della Mole (Turin derby), and one of the greatest and hotly contested capital derbies in Europe. The derby has been historically marked by massive crowds, excitement, violence and – recently – racist banners in the crowd.
Some extreme incidents in particular have left their mark on the history of this fixture. In 1979, Lazio fan Vincenzo Paparelli was hit in the eye and killed by a flare fired by a Roma fan from the opposite end of the stadium, becoming the first fatality in Italian football due to violence. In 2004 an unprecedented event occurred when the Roma ultras forced the game to be suspended after spreading false rumors among the crowd that a child had been killed by the police prior to the beginning of the game. In the recent derby, in December 2009, the referee stopped play for some seven minutes, just 13 minutes into the first half, due to fireworks being thrown onto the pitch. The derby on March 21, 2004, was abandoned four minutes into the second half, with the score tied at 0–0, when a riot broke out in the stands and the president of the Italian Football League, Adriano Galliani, ordered referee Roberto Rosetti to suspend the match. After the match was postponed a prolonged battle among fans and between fans and police ensued, with stands being set on fire and people fleeing the stadium, eventually resulting in over 13 arrests and over 170 injured among the police alone.

Real Madrid vs Barca (best rival)
Barcelona Madrid
The rivalry between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, in Spain, is generally considered to be the biggest in football, and is similar in context to Celtic – Rangers. From the start the clubs were seen as representatives of two rival regions in Spain, Catalonia and Castile respectively, as well as the two cities themselves. In the 1950s, the rivalry was intensified further when the clubs disputed the signing of Alfredo Di Stéfano, who finally played for Real Madrid and was key in the subsequent success achieved by the club.
As Barcelona and Real Madrid are the two biggest, and most successful, clubs in Spain, the rivalry impacts the league championship on an almost annual basis. The flash-points of this rivalry are the twice-a-season clásicos, which draw vast audiences from around the world. Real has won more La Liga and Champions League titles than Barça, but Barça has won more Spanish Cups, Cup Winners Cups and UEFA Cups. Also Barça became the first Spanish team to win the treble (2008–2009). In 2009, they won six competitions, becoming the first team to win all competitions they entered in a calendar year. The rivalry has also been strengthened throughout time by Real Madrid and Barcelona top players who have defected to their arch-rival. Notable Barcelona players who have later played for Real Madrid include Bernd Schuster (1988), Michael Laudrup (1994) and Luís Figo (2000). Luis Enrique switched from Real Madrid to Barcelona in 1996 and went on to captain the Blaugrana.
A 2007 survey by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas determined that Real Madrid was the team with the largest following in Spain with 32.8% of football fans, while Barcelona had 25.7%. The next team, Valencia CF, was 5.3%. Barcelona in turn seems to be the most popular team in Europe. According to a survey made by SPORT+MARKT in 2009, Barcelona have about 44.2 million supporters throughout Europe, which is about 2.9 million more than the number of Real Madrid supporters.
READ MORE - 10 Soccer Rivalries

10 Pena Termahal

Sebuah pena (bukan pulpen lho) biasanya harganya hanya 50 ribu sampai 200 ribu. Tapi lain halnya jika pena itu mempunyai nilai seni yang tinggi dan dibalur dengan emas, permata, dan berlian. Maka harganya akan naik dan bahkan bisa sangat mengagumkan (karena bisa sampai berjuta-berjuta). Dan dari banyak pena dengan harga termahal, tercatat ada 10 pena yang mempunyai harga termahal.

Berikut adalah daftar 10 pena termahal di dunia:

10. TIBALDI Pens CREW 60TH White Gold ($43,000)

9. Omas Fountain Pens GAIA ($43,000)

8. Omas Fountain Pen MARTE ($43,000)

7. Visconti Fountain Pens RIPPLE HRH ($57,000)

6. Visconti Pens FORBBIDEN CITY HRH ($57,000)

5. Visconti Fountain Pens ALCHEMY HRH ($57,000)

4. Omas Phoenix Platinum Fountain Pen Luxury Limited Edition ($60,000)

3. Caran d’Ache made ‘La Modernista Diamonds’03.($256.000)

2. Mont Blanc and Van Cleef & Arpels ($730.000)

1. The Aurora Diamante ($1.300.000)

READ MORE - 10 Pena Termahal

Senin, 10 Desember 2012

5 Aktor Kungfu Terbaik

1. Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee dikenal sebagai aktor aktion legendaris China yang populer dengan film-film silatnya. Selain sebagai aktor, Lee juga seorang produser film, yang memproduksi film-film Hongkong, di samping terkenal juga sebagai seorang master kung fu dan penulis buku.

Pria yang juga memiliki nama Li Xiao Long ini, mengeluti dunia akting sejak usia balita, di mana ayahnya yang juga pemain opera sering mengajak dirinya bermain di pangung. Hingga akhirnya pada usia 18 tahun, ia telah membintangi 20 film. Dimana film-film terkenal yang dibintanginya di antaranya WAY OF THE DRAGON, ENTER THE DRAGON, FIST OF FURY, THE GREEN HORNET, dan lain-lain.
Tidak hanya film yang menjadi karya Lee, aktor yang menempuh ilmu filsafat selama kuliah itu juga seorang penulis buku. Selain juga menciptakan sebuah seni bela diri yang ia diberi nama Jeet Kune Do, yang dipadukan dari ilmu bela diri, fisika dan ajaran tao yang selama ini dipelajarinya.

2. Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan adalah aktor, sutradara, stuntman dan penyanyi yang terkenal dengan kebiasaannya yang tidak pernah menggunakan pemain pengganti dalam adegan-adegan berbahaya dalam film-filmnya. Selain 'seni' perkelahian yang digunakan dalam adegan-adegannya. Dan salah satu film yang membuatnya naik daun adalah Trilogi Police Story.
Jackie yang selalu bermain beradegan kung fu di hampir semua film-filmnnya, berbeda di film terbarunya SHINJUKU INCIDENT. Ia tidak beradegan kung fu dan juga tidak berperan sebagai sutradara sebagaimana film-film Jackie terdahulu.

3. Jet Li

Siapa yang tak kenal master Wong Fei Hung? Seorang tabib china yang juga jago kungfu. Kisah Wong Fei Hung diangkat ke layer lebar melalui Once Upon a Time in China. Dan saat itu Jet Li lah yang berperan sebagai legenda bangsa China itu. Peran Jet Li sebagai mater Wong benar-benar begitu hidup dan melekat.
Jet Li adalah 1 dari sekian banyak aktor yang tak pernah mengenyam pendidikan formal dalam bidang akting. Terlahir dengan nama Li Lian Jie pada tanggal 26 April 1963 di Beijing, Jet Li mengawali karirnya di dunia film dari Wushu. Jet Li mulai mempelajari ilmu bela diri ini sejak ia berumur 8 tahun. Banyak sudah medali yang ia peroleh dari menjadi atlet Wushu ini.
Saat terjadi booming film-film Kung Fu di Cina sekitar tahun 80-an, daya tarik dunia peran ini mempesona Jet Li yang belum juga berusia 20 tahun. Jet Li terjun ke dunia film dalam film pertamanya SHAOLIN TEMPLE.

4. Sammo Hung

Sammo Hung adalah seorang aktor, produser dan sutradara film laga Hong Kong yang cukup dikenal akan hasil kerja dalam bidang seni bela diri Cina dan dunia perfilman di Hong Kong. Ia pernah menjadi koreografi pertarungan untuk beberapa orang terkenal, seperti, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, King Hu, Stephen Chow dan John Woo.

Hung adalah tokoh yang sangat penting yang membawa gelombang perubahan baru di Hong Kong di tahun 1980an, membantu perkembangan seni bela diri dan memulai Jiang Shi genre (mayat penghisap darah).
Hung juga dikenal sebagai "Dai Goh", sampai pembuatan film Project A, yang menampilkan kedua aktor terkenal tersebut. Karena Hung adalah yang tertua diantara mereka, kung fu "brothers", dan yang pertama kali terkenal di dnia perfilman, maka ia mendapatkan nama julukan baru, "Dai Goh Dai", yang artinya, Saudara Tertua atau Saudara yang Tertua.

5. Donnie Yen

Sejak awal ia sudah diakui sebagai ahli silat. Di usianya yang masih 14 tahun dapat mengalahkan pelatih dojang Taekwondo bersabuk hitam. Usia 19 tahun dinobatkan sebagai juara Wu Shu tahunan AS. Sebagai orang perfilman, ia berkutat di Hong Kong, Hollywood, sampai 20 tahun lebih baru memiliki hasil karya yang dibanggakan bermakna mendalam yakni film Ip Man.
Keunikan seorang Donnie Yen adalah dia tidak pernah mandek dalam berkreasi. Gaya-gaya bela dirinya semakin lama semakin berkembang. Donnie mempelajari aliran lain seperti tarung bebas ala MMA ataupun Jiujitsu. Secara pribadi saya menilai, Donnie layak disebut sebagai pengganti Bruce Lee karena karakternya yang suka bereksperimen itu.

Coba perhatikan gerakan-gerakan dalam film Sa Po Lang, Flash Point, atau Ip Man, tentu kita akan disuguhkan gaya bertarung yang fresh dalam ketiga film itu. Praktis di saat aktor yang lainnya tenggelam, Donnie di usianya malah merambat naik.
READ MORE - 5 Aktor Kungfu Terbaik

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